C# Starter. Lesson 3. Variables And Data Types

This video tutorial shows how to use data types when defining the variables. Also in this lesson you will learn about constants and how constants are used in applications . As well as the basic principles of creating variables, you learned in the previous lesson in this tutorial more emphasis will be placed on the various operations that can be performed on variables , as well as the principles of formatting string variables.



Видео курсы по специальностям: С#/.NET Developer, Frontend Developer, ASP.NET MVC Developer, Python Developer, Unity/Game Developer. С#/.NET Developer - С# Starter, SQL Essential, C# Essential, Алгоритмы и структуры данных, С# Professional, Entity Framework 6, Шаблоны проектирования, Refactoring in .NET Applications, WPF Essential, WPF Advanced Frontend Developer - HTML, CSS, JavaScript Essential, Twitter Bootstrap 3, JavaScript Advanced, TFS Fundamentals, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS ASP.NET MVC Developer - ASP.NET Essential, ASP.NET Advanced, ASP.NET MVC Fundamentals, ASP.NET MVC 4 Каждый видео курс включает в себя: практические примеры и задания, презентации, опорный конспект с рекомендованной литературой, онлайн тестирование и сертификация.

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